Savory Turmeric Popcorn

savory turmeric popcorn in ceramic bowl

Being home all day every day right now means I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. This has been a great opportunity for completing a bunch of “someday” projects, truly learning the preciousness of ingredients as I’ve never had to before, and actually having the time to make zero waste happen (as best I can). But despite going into this with the full understanding that we’d be eating almost every meal from home, I underestimated us in one key area: snacks. It turns out we eat a lot of snacks! I’ve since corrected this with more fruit, crackers, cheese, and dips than I’d normally stock, but I’m still trying to make them all stretch as long as possible.

I’ve been making popcorn a bunch lately. Popcorn and I have been casual acquaintances for a long time, but going into quarantine, I wanted something that could last a while without stalling once opened and is relatively healthy. My dad very recently had quadruple bypass heart surgery despite his very active lifestyle. He’s been changing his diet to drastically cut his fat intake and has turned to his air popper and popcorn for his snacking needs. In solidarity, and frankly a bit in fear for my own health since we share genes, I bought my first container of popcorn kernels so I could make stove top popcorn. 

savory turmeric kashmiri black pepper popcorn seasoning

My go to popcorn blend right now consists primarily of nutritional yeast, salt, and spices. I’m loving the floral and earthy Diaspora Co. single origin turmeric (this is not an ad, I’m just a fan!) with the subtle heat of kashmiri chili and black pepper. They work so well with the savory of nutritional yeast, it’s very addictive. I recommend using Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt or a similar flaky salt if you have it as it adheres more evenly to the popcorn.

Savory Turmeric Popcorn Seasoning

Savory turmeric kashmiri chili black pepper popcorn

This recipe is enough seasoning to coat 7-8 cups of popped corn (from ½ cup of unpopped kernels)

For the seasoning blend

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 tsp flaky kosher salt

¾ tsp ground turmeric

¼ tsp ground kashmiri chili (or ground chili of your choice)

Few cracks of black pepper

For the popcorn

3 tbsp olive oil (melted butter or ghee are also delicious)

  1. Make your seasoning by blending the nutritional yeast, salt, turmeric, kashmiri chili, and black pepper in a small container. Set aside.

  2. Line a sheet pan with foil or parchment. Make your popcorn using your preferred method. (I found this article from Basically by Bon Appetit helpful.)

  3. When the popcorn is popped and still hot, deposit it onto your prepared sheet pan. Drizzle olive oil over the kernels and toss everything to coat the kernels.

  4. Sprinkle your seasoning over the popcorn and toss again.

  5. Your popcorn is ready to be devoured! Once fully cooled, the popcorn can be stored in air tight containers for a day or two. Future you will be thankful that current you made them a snack.


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